General Information
Newport Harbor High School Sailing Team (NHHSST)
General Information
1. General structure of High School Sailing
· The Interscholastic Sailing Association (ISSA) is the National governing body of High School Sailing. It is broken down into 7 districts around the United States. http://www.hssailing.org/
· Pacific Coast Interscholastic Sailing Association (PCISA) is the district NHHSST belongs to. This district includes all of California, Arizona and Hawaii. PCISA is further split up into leagues: North (roughly north of Santa Barbara), South (roughly Santa Barbara and south), and Hawaii. www.pcisa.org
· Throughout the year, the sailing team will compete in 5 PCISA Regattas as well as 5 SoCal regattas and other miscellaneous regattas. All regattas, except the SoCals and Cressy, are sailed in an A/B division format.
· A/B Division Format: Each high school team entry consists of two boats, one sails in the A division and one in the B division. A school may have multiple team entries consisting of a “Varsity” team, as well as 1‐3 “JV” teams as allowed under the regatta chairperson which are typically. The Varsity team and possibly 1 or more of the JV teams will sail in a Gold fleet, and the others sail in a Silver fleet. Each division will sail a few (usually 2) fleet races at a time, alternating throughout the event. The combined score of the A/B division will be used to determine the overall team score.
· PCISA (not the coach) determines which schools/teams sail in each fleet.
· PCISA allows only one “Varsity” team per school in an A/B division format even though a school might have 2 or more teams in the Gold division. This team is the official team score for the overall PCISA division.
· Pacific Coast Championships (PCC’s) and National Championships:
· Only the “Varsity” team results from the 5 PCISA regattas will be used to determine which schools are eligible to attend Gold PCC’s.
· Gold PCC’s: Used to determine who will be eligible to attend the National Championship (Mallory).
· Team PCC’s (Baker Elims): Open to any PCISA school that has a Team Race team. This regatta determines who is eligible to attend the National Team Race Championship (Baker).
· Cressy Singlehanded Elims: Open to any sailor from any PCISA registered school. This regatta determines who is eligible to attend the Single‐handed National Championship (Cressy).
· Silver PCC’s: Open to any PCISA team that qualifies as determined by PCISA.
· Women’s Invitational: open to any PCISA school that has a women’s team.
2. Regattas
Please refer to www.pcisa.org for a complete schedule of regattas and other information.
The NHHSST calendar for each semester is also available on the team website at www.nhhssailing.org
· PCISA Regattas (5 total)
· PCISA #1/Sea Otter ‐ Monterrey (Oct); PCISA #2/Anteater ‐ Newport Harbor (Nov); PCISA #3/Rose Bowl ‐ Alamitos Bay (Jan); PCISA #4/Golden Bear ‐ Treasure Island (Feb); PCISA #5/Gaucho ‐ Santa Barbara (Mar)
· SoCal Regattas (5 total)
· Participation strongly encouraged from all sailors on team who are not involved in the PCISA Regattas or the SCYYRA regattas (Perry, Shadden and Ullman/Frost series).
· #1 ‐ NHYC (Sept); #2 ‐ BCYC (Nov); #3 ‐ MBYC (Jan); #4 ‐ ABYC (Feb); #5 ‐ SDYC (Mar)
· One or two‐day events.
· Sailors are encouraged to find their own pairs, but Coach can help if needed.
· 8th graders may also sail in these regattas if they attend a “feeder school”.
· Other Regattas
· Cressy Elims – SBYC (Sept)
· Women’s Invitational ‐ SDYC (Oct)
· Keelboat Qualifier – TBD (Oct)
· Cressy Nationals – SBYC (Nov) – ISSA Regatta
· Keelboat Regatta – TBD (Dec)
· Harold Adams Team Race – SDYC (Jan)
· Gold PCC’s – (Apr) Alternates between North & South each year.
· Silver PCC’s – (Apr) Alternates between North & South each year.
· Baker Team Race Elims – SDYC (Apr)
· Mallory Championships – TBD (May) – ISSA Regatta
· Baker Championships – TBD (May) – ISSA Regatta
3. Eligibility and Grades
· Students (both boys and girls) from Newport Harbor High School in grades 9‐12.
· 8th graders are not eligible for PCISA events except SoCals and are not official members of the NHHSST. All 8th graders need to be registered with the NHHSST Coach prior to event.
· While NHHS requires a GPA of 2.0 or higher to participate in Varsity sports, the Sailing Team has traditionally had an average GPA higher than that. Coach may periodically ask for a grade printout from School Loop in order to strive to keep with that tradition.
· NHHSST is Varsity sport (not a club sport). All eligible sailors on the team will receive either a Jr. Varsity or Varsity letter. Coaches are responsible for Jr. Varsity and Varsity letter designation at the end of the school year.
· NHHSST is considered a class by the NMUSD which means all sailors get a grade. Coach is responsible for sailors’ grade in Sailing.
4. Goals and Sailor Responsibilities
· The NHHSST is for experienced sailors. The sailing team is not a learn‐to‐sail program.
· Sailors are expected to show up on time. Sailors with dual sports need to keep the Coach advised of their schedule so that practices can be planned accordingly.
· The coach will assign skipper/crew combinations for practices and regattas.
· Sailors are to inform coach at least 24hrs prior to practice if he/she will not be attending.
· Sailors are responsible for being physically prepared to climb back into a tipped‐over boat in heavy winds and seas.
· If a sailor does not contribute to the team either by ability or attitude, that sailor may be cut from the team. Students who are cut and who have a P.E. requirement will have to switch to a different sport or go to P.E. for the remainder of the semester.
· Information is disseminated at practices or via e‐mail. Practice & Regatta information (who is sailing with whom) is from the coach to the sailors; team logistics information (who is driving, where/when to meet, etc.) is from the advisors, or chaperones, to the sailors and parents. Sailors need to be responsible for being informed. Parents should direct team related questions to their sailor first and then to the Advisory Board. Coaches are available for questions/ concerns from the sailors only.
5. Practice Location and boats
· Newport Harbor Yacht Club ‐ a Private facility.
· NHHSST members are either a Guest, NHYC Family Member, or NHYC Junior Member. While at NHYC as a NHHSST member (no matter your category), please be respectful and always act as a guest.
· Occasionally, the team will practice in Long Beach if preparing for a location with more wind and waves (usually in Spring).
· Most boats are privately owned and insurance coverage is required on those boats.
· A few team‐owned CFJ’s are available. Sailors need to contact Coach for details.
· Parents of non‐NHYC members who need boat storage space should contact Coach for details. NHYC charges for storage.
6. Training Program
· As a member of the NHHSST, every sailor is expected to attend regattas whether it is the PCISA regattas (teams selected by coaches), the SoCals, and the Women’s Invitational. If the sailor cannot attend when requested, he/she is to contact the Coach.
· NHHS is a public institution that promises “inclusion of all students” and at no time will a student be dismissed from a curricular, co‐curricular or extra‐curricular program attached to the school, dismissed from instruction, and/or receive a lower grade due to a financial hardship.
· All sailors are expected to attend all practices, regardless of weather.
· Fall/Winter (1st Semester) View Team Website for specific dates and times.
· Try‐outs: 1st ‐week of school on Wednesday and Thursday – Both new and returning sailors are required to try out.
· Roster posted on website the Friday after last tryout.
· Parent Meeting following tryouts, all parents required to attend.
· Practice: Wed & Thurs, 2:30‐dark beginning the 1st Wednesday after tryouts.
· Spring (2nd Semester) View Team Website for specific dates and times.
· Try‐outs: 1st ‐week of school on Wednesday and Thursday – Just potential new team members are required to try out.
· Roster posted on website the Friday after last tryout.
· Parent Meeting following tryouts, all parents required to attend.
· Practice: Wed & Thurs, 2:30‐dark beginning the 1st Wednesday after tryouts. Team Race practice is on Tuesday 2:30‐dark by invitation from coach.
· Practice continues until all regattas (including Mallory and/or Baker if the Team qualifies) are completed.
7. Regatta Team Selection
· The coaches will determine the best possible skipper/crew combinations congruent with the team’s goals.
· Advisory Board and parents do not help or have any influence in determining the sailing combinations.
· Coaches’ decisions are final.
· Team selection will occur 1‐2 weeks prior to the event. Sometimes, due to qualification and ranking data, this may be delayed until just a few days before the regatta.
· Coaches will e‐mail the sailors with regatta team selection. Any questions or concerns regarding team selection shall be directed from the sailor to the coach.
8. Finances
NHHSST is funded primarily by parent support, supplemented by foundation grants and fundraising. Without your support, the sailing team is not possible.
· Recommended Contribution: To be determined each semester. If unable to provide Sailor Contribution – please advise Parent Advisor within the week so other arrangements can be made, and the team budget adjusted.
· Expenses: Coaching; Team boat upkeep; Coaching equipment; Regatta entries; Charter boats; Misc.; small portion of sailors’ and coach’s travel expenses.
· Payment: A payment portal will be available on the Team Website for all payments including the Fall and Spring Contributions, and for regatta expenses.
9. NHHS/NMUSD/NHHSST Required Documents
All forms can be found on the team website at www.nhhssailing.org under the Documents tab
· Prior to try‐outs the following must be completed:
· Sailor Interview Form (to be emailed to Coach before 1st day of try‐outs)
· Athletic Clearance Form (must be on‐file in NHHS Athletic Office prior to try‐outs. (keep a copy for your records)
· The following must be completed before the 1st practice after tryouts:
· Emergency Medical Release (bring to 1st practice)
· Sailing Team Sailor Agreement (handed out, reviewed, and executed at 1st practice)
· Complete Sailor Registration on‐line (“Team Central” tab on team website)
· Complete Parent Registration on‐line (“Team Central” tab on team website)
· At the Mandatory Parents Meeting on the Monday after tryouts, parents will complete the Sailing Team Parent Agreement.
· Under the “Documents” section of the team website, review the NMUSD Code of Conduct, the NMUSD Conflict Protocol, and the Alcohol Use Policy.
· If you are interested in towing boats, driving sailors to regattas, or being a regatta chaperone, you must submit a current TB test.
10. Clothing & Gear
· Order form is due shortly after Fall Practice starts. See Team Website for selections.
· A limited Spring order may occur.
· PFD (personal flotation device) is to be worn at all times while on the water or on the docks. It is suggested to purchase your own PFD so that the fit is proper and you always have one to wear.
· Arrive at practice prepared for any kind of weather. Practice/Racing does not stop when it’s raining or cold. Sailors are expected to provide their own appropriate cold weather sailing gear. Keep in mind the majority of the travel regattas are North of us and will require more cold weather gear than usually worn at practice.
· Team polo shirt to be taken to every regatta and worn at all trophy presentations.
· Team Pinnie is to be worn at every regatta while racing.
· Reusable water bottles are to be brought to all regattas.
11. Social Events
· Harbor Heritage Run
· 1st Tuesdays Dinners, the 1st Tuesday of each month, right after practice.
· Anteater Party (location TBA) for all sailors and parents (Saturday evening of Anteater regatta).
· Annual Dinner & Benefit with sailors, parents and relatives (late Feb/early Mar).
· End‐of‐the‐Year Party for sailors and parents w/awards and thank‐you gifts (early June).
· Please review the Alcohol Use Policy on the Team Website.
12. Publicity/Liasion
· Regatta Reports will be done by the sailors for submission to the NHHS newspaper, area yacht clubs, and to mass media as appropriate.
· Photo website – Click on the “Team Pictures (Shutterly)” tab under “Team Central” on the team website to get a password for the Shutterfly account so you can upload and download photos. Please encourage your sailors to share photos so everyone can enjoy them!
13. Travel
· Designated chaperones (determined by Parent Advisor) are responsible for the travel team. Other parents can come and watch, but must not interfere with Coaches, Chaperones, or Team/alternate Selections.
· Lead Chaperone: PCISA/ISSA contact. Hotel check‐in/out. Rental car. Dinner reservations, if needed.
· Daily chaperone: Sets up daily “camp”. Stays at “camp” with sailors. Coordinates lunch & snacks.
· Drivers: Either towing boats or transporting sailors. Can help chaperones during event, if needed, otherwise free to do as you wish.
· All NMUSD, NHHS and NHHSST policies apply from the time of departure for a regatta until team members and released to their parents/guardians.
· Team is expected to travel together as a team with chaperones. Sailors may not drive themselves to regattas (Anteater Regatta and practices in Newport Beach are the only exceptions). Car and hotel room assignments are made in a manner to encourage team members to get to know each other and are not to be switched around.
· Local Regattas
· Lead and/or daily chaperones will be assigned by the Parent Advisor or the SoCal Coordinator.
· Travel Regattas
· Approximately 4 volunteer parents are required for each “travel” regatta to tow trailers, transport sailors and chaperone.
· Each sailor will share the responsibility for a portion of their travel costs (hotels, airline tickets, regatta day lunch & snacks) and must bring cash for their own dinners, breakfasts and travel day expenses. A portion of the regatta expenses may be covered by the team. An e‐mail will be sent after the regatta with reconciliation of sailors’ actual regatta expenses.
· Lead/daily chaperones and drivers will be assigned by the Parent Advisor.
· Chaperones and drivers are responsible for their own travel expenses (hotel & flights) and meals.
· E‐mails will be sent by the Advisory Board to the selected team and parents approx. 1 week in advance to inform parents of specifics (car assignments, hotel room assignments, flight details, approximate cash costs, etc). Please email them with any concerns regarding travel. All assignments are final at time of email.
· Hawaii Invitational: optional regatta. Those interested will make their own arrangements and be responsible for their own travel costs.
· Please review the Alcohol Use Policy on the Team Website.
14. Communication:
· Regatta team selection: from coach to sailors.
· Regatta particulars (car assignments, room assignments, chaperones): from Advisory Board to parents.
· Sailor questions/concerns: from sailors to coaches. Please follow this protocol as it is an important part of your sailor learning to communicate.
· Parent questions/concerns after sailor and coach have communicated: from parent to David Blackman, Parent Liaison.
· See NMUSD Conflict Protocol for more information under the “Documents” tab on the team website.
· Coach’s hours – Remember, Coaches are on the water for much of their work time. And since they work most weekends, they have Monday & Tuesday off (except for NHHSST practice on Tues). Be patient in letting them respond to your team member’s emails or texts!